defination _state in which sevior reduction in tissu perfusion leads first to irreversable and then to irreversable cell injury it is due to inadiquate oxygen supply to cells
1 hypolaemic shock (cause-diarrhoea, hemerage, sevior vomationg ,dk etc)
2 cardoogenic shock (causes-acute mi, acute mitral regurgitation, cardiomyopathy, cardic tumer)
3 neurogenic shock (causes-head injury, spinal injury etc)
4 anaphylatic shock (causes-dugs ,insects bite etc)
5 septic shock ( causes-gram positive gram negative infections)
cardinal features of shock
urine output<30ml /hr
hypotenson systolic less then 90mmhg
pt. moniter
clinical moniter (bp , pulse, respritaton )
ecg ( rate,rythm,)
urine output( cathater)
general measure
care of airway breathing circulation bowel bladder
pt. put on horigontal position leg elivated
correction of hypoxia
correction of hypovolumia
correction of acidosis
treatment of arrathmia
theatmet of sepsis