or back bone fever ,dengue haemorrhagic fever
dengue virus (rna virus)
type 1,2,3,4
1.classic dengue
2.haemorrhageic fever
3.undifferentiated fever
incubation period is 5 to 8 days
clinical feature-
1 febrile phase
pt. developers high grade fever
with myalgia, artralgia, severe back ache (back bone fever) , retroo orbital pain ,headache
-children mey have febrile seizure
-mucosal membrane bleeding may be seen
-liver may inlarge
2 critical phase
after defervescence of fever an inc. in capillary permeability along with inc haematocrit level may occure this begain of crital phase the degree of inc above the baseline haemotocrit reflect severty of plasma leakage
-shock may occur
3. recovery phase
it may take 24 to 28 hr
- leucomia thrombocytopenia and liver enzymes elivate
-serum ns1 antigen
-rtpcr to amplification of viral rna
- rise viral antibody
-usg for other complications
treatment of group a mild case
-Adiquate volume of oral fluids like juice froots or ors solution etc
-paracetamol for fever
-sponging bath for fever
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